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A member registered Mar 12, 2021

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Cool! I like the throwing mechanic. I think the little dark vignette around the edge does great things for the mood. Seems like everyone stops or slows when I swing my scythe sometimes.

Okay, awesome, thanks! Great jam, I’m excited to participate next time you do it.

Is voting only for people who participated in the jam?

Nice! The switching between three players, with all the different mechanics, could take a bit to master, but it's a neat idea for gameplay. I dig the sound.

Hey! I've got a team of five audio people covering basically the the whole realm of music and sound. Very little game jam or professional game audio experience but plenty of experience and knowledge in our fields. Ages from about 24 to 44. We're talking to a bunch of different devs & dev teams about working together for Ludum Dare 48 in late April. Nothing's quite settled into place yet—there's one full team in there we may work with, but also some solo devs & pairs that are neat. I like the stuff you're working on—the Unity parameter editor stuff is really cool. If you're interested in joining us and seeing if we're a good fit, and/or if you might want to team up with some other folks for LD48, you can DM me through Discord @jjbullfrog#8730.